.. _gatherkeys: ========== gatherkeys ========== The ``gatherkeys`` subcommand provides an interface to get with a cluster's cephx bootstrap keys. keyrings ======== The ``gatherkeys`` subcommand retrieves the following keyrings. ceph.mon.keyring ---------------- This keyring is used by all mon nodes to communicate with other mon nodes. ceph.client.admin.keyring ------------------------- This keyring is ceph client commands by default to administer the ceph cluster. ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring -------------------------- This keyring is used to generate cephx keyrings for OSD instances. ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring -------------------------- This keyring is used to generate cephx keyrings for MDS instances. ceph.bootstrap-rgw.keyring -------------------------- This keyring is used to generate cephx keyrings for RGW instances. Example ======= The ``gatherkeys`` subcommand contacts the mon and creates or retrieves existing keyrings from the mon internal store. To run:: ceph-deploy gatherkeys MON [MON..] You can optionally add as many mon nodes to the command line as desired. The ``gatherkeys`` subcommand will succeed on the first mon to respond successfully with all the keyrings. Backing up of old keyrings ========================== If old keyrings exist in the current working directory that do not match the retrieved keyrings these old keyrings will be renamed with a time stamp extention so you will not loose valuable keyrings. .. note:: Before version v1.5.33 ceph-deploy relied upon ``ceph-create-keys`` and did not backup existing keys. Using ``ceph-create-keys`` produced a side effect of deploying all bootstrap keys on the mon node so making all mon nodes admin nodes.