Teuthology Lab Setup Notes


We recently set up a new lab for Ceph testing and decided to document the parts of the process that are most relevant to teuthology. This is the result.

We started by setting aside two of the test machines: one as the ‘teuthology node’, and another as the ‘paddles/pulpito node’. These would be used to orchestrate automated testing and to store and serve the results on our intranet.

paddles/pulpito node

We’re currently running both paddles and pulpito on the same node. We have a proxy server up front listening on port 80 that forwards to the proper service based on which hostname is used. Feel free to modify our paddles and pulpito configurations for your use.

Do the following as root or as another user with sudo access:

sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-virtualenv postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-all supervisor
sudo -u postgres createuser paddles -P
sudo -u postgres createdb paddles

Create a separate user for paddles and puplito. We used ‘paddles’ and ‘pulpito’.


Follow instructions at https://github.com/ceph/paddles/blob/main/README.rst


Follow instructions at https://github.com/ceph/pulpito/blob/main/README.rst

Starting up

Back as the ‘root or sudo’ user:

sudo cp ~paddles/paddles/supervisord_paddles.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/paddles.conf
sudo supervisorctl reread && sudo supervisorctl update paddles && sudo supervisorctl start paddles
sudo cp ~pulpito/pulpito/supervisord_pulpito.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/pulpito.conf
sudo supervisorctl reread && sudo supervisorctl update pulpito && sudo supervisorctl start pulpito

Test Nodes

Each node needs to have a user named ‘ubuntu’ with passwordless sudo access.

It’s also necessary to generate an ssh key pair that will be used to provide passwordless authentication to all the test nodes, and put the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on all the test nodes.

Teuthology Node

Create an /etc/teuthology.yaml that looks like:

lab_domain: example.com
lock_server: http://paddles.example.com:8080
results_server: http://paddles.example.com:8080
queue_host: localhost
queue_port: 11300
results_email: you@example.com
archive_base: /home/teuthworker/archive

Do the following as root or as another user with sudo access:

Create two additional users: one that simply submits jobs to the queue, and another that picks them up from the queue and executes them. We use ‘teuthology’ and ‘teuthworker’, respectively.

Give both users passwordless sudo access.

Copy the ssh key pair that you created to access the test nodes into each of these users’ ~/.ssh directory.

Install these packages:

sudo apt-get -y install git python-dev python-pip python-virtualenv libevent-dev python-libvirt beanstalkd

Now, set up the two users you just created:


As ‘teuthology’, do the following:

mkdir ~/src
git clone https://github.com/ceph/teuthology.git src/teuthology_main
pushd src/teuthology_main/


As ‘teuthworker’, do the following:

mkdir ~/src
git clone https://github.com/ceph/teuthology.git src/teuthology_main
pushd src/teuthology_main/
mkdir ~/bin
wget -O ~/bin/worker_start https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/teuthology/main/docs/_static/worker_start.sh
echo 'PATH="$HOME/src/teuthology_main/virtualenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
mkdir -p ~/archive/worker_logs
worker_start magna 1

Submitting Nodes


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/teuthology/main/docs/_static/create_nodes.py

Edit create_nodes.py to generate the hostnames of the machines you want to submit to paddles.

Now to do the work:

python create_nodes.py
teuthology-lock --owner initial@setup --list-targets > /tmp/targets
teuthology --owner initial@setup /tmp/targets
teuthology-lock --owner initial@setup --unlock -t /tmp/targets

Serving Test Logs

pulpito tries to provide links to test logs. Out-of-the-box, those links will be broken, but are easy to fix.

First, install your favorite web server on the teuthology node. If you use nginx, you may use our configuration as a template.

Once you’ve got log files being served, edit paddles’ config.py and update the job_log_href_templ value. Restart paddles when you’re done.