
    teuthology-describe-tests -h
    teuthology-describe-tests [options] [--] <suite_dir>

Describe the contents of a qa suite by reading 'meta' elements from
yaml files in the suite.

The 'meta' element should contain a list with a dictionary
of key/value pairs for entries, i.e.:

- field1: value1
  field2: value2
  field3: value3
  desc: short human-friendly description

Fields are user-defined, and are not required to be in all yaml files.

positional arguments:
  <suite_dir>                        path of qa suite

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                         Show this help message and exit
  -f <fields>, --fields <fields>     Comma-separated list of fields to
                                     include [default: desc]
  --show-facet [yes|no]              List the facet of each file
                                     [default: yes]
  --format [plain|json|csv]          Output format (written to stdout)
                                     [default: plain]

options only for describing combinations represented by a suite:
  -c, --combinations                 Describe test combinations rather than
                                     individual yaml fragments
  -s, --summary                      Print summary
  --filter <keywords>                Only list tests whose description contains
                                     at least one of the keywords in the comma
                                     separated keyword string specified
  --filter-out <keywords>            Do not list tests whose description contains
                                     any of the keywords in the comma separated
                                     keyword string specified
  --filter-all <keywords>            Only list tests whose description contains
                                     each of the keywords in the comma separated
                                     keyword string specified
  -F, --filter-fragments             Check fragments additionaly to descriptions
                                     using keywords specified with 'filter',
                                     'filter-out' and 'filter-all' options.
  -p, --print-description            Print job descriptions for the suite,
                                     used only in combination with 'summary'
  -P, --print-fragments              Print file list inovolved for each facet,
                                     used only in combination with 'summary'
  -l <jobs>, --limit <jobs>          List at most this many jobs
                                     [default: 0]
  --subset <index/outof>             Instead of listing the entire
                                     suite, break the set of jobs into
                                     <outof> pieces (each of which
                                     will contain each facet at least
                                     once) and list piece <index>.
                                     Listing 0/<outof>, 1/<outof>,
                                     2/<outof> ... <outof>-1/<outof>
                                     will list all jobs in the
                                     suite (many more than once).
  -S <seed>, --seed <seed>           Used for pseudo-random tests generation
                                     involving facet whose path ends with '$'
                                     operator, where negative value used for
                                     a random seed
                                     [default: -1]
  --no-nested-subset                 Disable nested subsets