2025-01-30 22:29:17,258.258 WARNING:teuthology.config:no teuthology config found, looked for: ['/home/docs/.teuthology.yaml', '/etc/teuthology.yaml']
usage: teuthology-openstack [-v] [--dry-run] [-s SUITE] [-c CEPH] [-k KERNEL]
[--suite-branch SUITE_BRANCH] [-e EMAIL] [-N NUM]
[-l JOBS] [--subset SUBSET] [-p PRIORITY]
[--timeout TIMEOUT] [--filter FILTER]
[--filter-out FILTER_OUT] [--throttle THROTTLE]
[--suite-relpath SUITE_RELPATH] [-r RERUN]
[-S SHA1] [--ceph-repo CEPH_REPO]
[--suite-repo SUITE_REPO]
[--sleep-before-teardown SLEEP_BEFORE_TEARDOWN]
[--key-name KEY_NAME]
[--key-filename KEY_FILENAME] [-h] [--wait]
[--name NAME] [--nameserver NAMESERVER]
[--simultaneous-jobs SIMULTANEOUS_JOBS]
[--controller-cpus CONTROLLER_CPUS]
[--controller-ram CONTROLLER_RAM]
[--controller-disk CONTROLLER_DISK] [--setup]
[--teuthology-git-url TEUTHOLOGY_GIT_URL]
[--teuthology-branch TEUTHOLOGY_BRANCH]
[--ceph-workbench-git-url CEPH_WORKBENCH_GIT_URL]
[--ceph-workbench-branch CEPH_WORKBENCH_BRANCH]
[--upload] [--archive-upload ARCHIVE_UPLOAD]
[--archive-upload-url ARCHIVE_UPLOAD_URL]
[--test-repo TEST_REPO] [--no-canonical-tags]
[config_yaml ...]
Run a suite of ceph integration tests. A suite is a directory containing
facets. A facet is a directory containing config snippets. Running a suite
means running teuthology for every configuration combination generated by
taking one config snippet from each facet. Any config files passed on the
command line will be used for every combination, and will override anything in
the suite. By specifying a subdirectory in the suite argument, it is possible
to limit the run to a specific facet. For instance -s upgrade/dumpling-x only
runs the dumpling-x facet of the upgrade suite.
Display the http and ssh access to follow the progress of the suite
and analyze results.
ssh -i teuthology-admin.pem ubuntu@
positional arguments:
config_yaml Optional extra job yaml to include
-v, --verbose be more verbose
--dry-run Do a dry run; do not schedule anything
-s SUITE, --suite SUITE
The suite to schedule
-c CEPH, --ceph CEPH The ceph branch to run against
-k KERNEL, --kernel KERNEL
The kernel branch to run against; if not supplied, the
installed kernel is unchanged
-f FLAVOR, --flavor FLAVOR
The ceph packages shaman flavor to run
with:('default', 'crimson', 'notcmalloc', 'jaeger')
-d DISTRO, --distro DISTRO
Distribution to run against
--suite-branch SUITE_BRANCH
Use this suite branch instead of the ceph branch
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
When tests finish or time out, send an email here
-N NUM, --num NUM Number of times to run/queue the job
-l JOBS, --limit JOBS
Queue at most this many jobs
--subset SUBSET Instead of scheduling the entire suite, break the set
of jobs into <outof> pieces (each of which will
contain each facet at least once) and schedule piece
<index>. Scheduling 0/<outof>, 1/<outof>, 2/<outof>
... <outof>-1/<outof> will schedule all jobs in the
suite (many more than once).
-p PRIORITY, --priority PRIORITY
Job priority (lower is sooner)
--timeout TIMEOUT How long, in seconds, to wait for jobs to finish
before sending email. This does not kill jobs.
--filter FILTER Only run jobs whose description contains at least one
of the keywords in the comma separated keyword string
--filter-out FILTER_OUT
Do not run jobs whose description contains any of the
keywords in the comma separated keyword string
--throttle THROTTLE When scheduling, wait SLEEP seconds between jobs.
Useful to avoid bursts that may be too hard on the
underlying infrastructure or exceed OpenStack API
limits (server creation per minute for instance).
--suite-relpath SUITE_RELPATH
Look for tasks and suite definitions in
thissubdirectory of the suite repo.
-r RERUN, --rerun RERUN
Attempt to reschedule a run, selecting only thosejobs
whose status are mentioned by--rerun-status.Note that
this is implemented by scheduling anentirely new suite
and including only jobs whosedescriptions match the
selected ones. It does sousing the same logic as
--filter.Of all the flags that were passed when
schedulingthe original run, the resulting one will
onlyinherit the suite value. Any others must bepassed
as normal while scheduling with thisfeature.
A comma-separated list of statuses to be usedwith
--rerun. Supported statuses are: 'dead','fail',
'pass', 'queued', 'running', 'waiting'
Distro version to run against
-n NEWEST, --newest NEWEST
Search for the newest revision built on allrequired
distro/versions, starting fromeither --ceph or --sha1,
backtrackingup to <newest> commits
-S SHA1, --sha1 SHA1 The ceph sha1 to run against (overrides -c)If both -S
and -c are supplied, -S wins, andthere is no
validation that sha1 is containedin branch
--ceph-repo CEPH_REPO
Query this repository for Ceph branch and SHA1
--suite-repo SUITE_REPO
Use tasks and suite definition in this repository
--sleep-before-teardown SLEEP_BEFORE_TEARDOWN
Number of seconds to sleep before the teardown
--key-name KEY_NAME OpenStack keypair name
--key-filename KEY_FILENAME
path to the ssh private key. Default:
['/home/docs/.ssh/id_rsa', '/home/docs/.ssh/id_dsa',
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--wait block until the suite is finished
--name NAME OpenStack primary instance name
--nameserver NAMESERVER
nameserver ip address (optional)
--simultaneous-jobs SIMULTANEOUS_JOBS
maximum number of jobs running in parallel
--controller-cpus CONTROLLER_CPUS
override default minimum vCPUs when selecting flavor
for teuthology VM
--controller-ram CONTROLLER_RAM
override default minimum RAM (in megabytes) when
selecting flavor for teuthology VM
--controller-disk CONTROLLER_DISK
override default minimum disk size (in gigabytes) when
selecting flavor for teuthology VM
--setup deploy the cluster, if it does not exist
--teardown destroy the cluster, if it exists
--teuthology-git-url TEUTHOLOGY_GIT_URL
git clone url for teuthology
--teuthology-branch TEUTHOLOGY_BRANCH
use this teuthology branch instead of main
--ceph-workbench-git-url CEPH_WORKBENCH_GIT_URL
git clone url for ceph-workbench
--ceph-workbench-branch CEPH_WORKBENCH_BRANCH
use this ceph-workbench branch instead of main
--upload upload archives to an rsync server
--archive-upload ARCHIVE_UPLOAD
rsync destination to upload archives
--archive-upload-url ARCHIVE_UPLOAD_URL
Public facing URL where archives are uploaded
--test-repo TEST_REPO
Package repository to be added on test nodes, which
are specified as NAME:URL, NAME!PRIORITY:URL or
@FILENAME, for details see below.
--no-canonical-tags configure remote teuthology to not fetch tags from
http://github.com/ceph/ceph.git in buildpackages task
test repos:
Test repository can be specified using --test-repo optional argument
with value in the following formats: NAME:URL, NAME!PRIORITY:URL
or @FILENAME. See examples:
1) Essential usage requires to provide repo name and url:
--test-repo foo:http://example.com/repo/foo
2) Repo can be prioritized by adding a number after '!' symbol
in the name:
--test-repo 'bar!10:http://example.com/repo/bar'
3) Repo data can be taken from a file by simply adding '@' symbol
at the beginning argument value, for example from yaml:
--test-repo @path/to/foo.yaml
where `foo.yaml` contains one or more records like:
- name: foo
priority: 1
url: http://example.com/repo/foo
4) Or from json file:
--test-repo @path/to/foo.json
where `foo.json` content is:
Several repos can be provided with multiple usage of --test-repo and/or
you can provide several repos within one yaml or json file.
The repositories are added in the order they appear in the command line or
in the file. Example:
# The foo0 repo will be included first, after all that have any priority,
# in particular after foo1 because it has lowest priority
- name: foo0
url: http://example.com/repo/foo0
# The foo1 will go after foo2 because it has lower priority then foo2
- name: foo1
url: http://example.com/repo/foo1
priority: 2
# The foo2 will go first because it has highest priority
- name: foo2
url: http://example.com/repo/foo2
priority: 1
# The foo3 will go after foo0 because it appears after it in this file
- name: foo3
url: http://example.com/repo/foo3
Equivalent json file content below:
"name": "foo0",
"url": "http://example.com/repo/foo0"
"name": "foo1",
"url": "http://example.com/repo/foo1",
"priority": 2
"name": "foo2",
"url": "http://example.com/repo/foo2",
"priority": 1
"name": "foo3",
"url": "http://example.com/repo/foo3"
At the moment supported only files with extensions: .yaml, .yml, .json, .jsn.
teuthology-openstack 1.2.2.dev51+g5eda30d