
usage: teuthology-queue -h
       teuthology-queue [-s|-d|-f] -m MACHINE_TYPE
       teuthology-queue [-r] -m MACHINE_TYPE
       teuthology-queue -m MACHINE_TYPE -D PATTERN
       teuthology-queue -p SECONDS [-m MACHINE_TYPE]

List Jobs in queue.
If -D is passed, then jobs with PATTERN in the job name are deleted from the

  -m, --machine_type MACHINE_TYPE [default: multi]
                        Which machine type queue to work on.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -D, --delete PATTERN  Delete Jobs with PATTERN in their name
  -d, --description     Show job descriptions
  -r, --runs            Only show run names
  -f, --full            Print the entire job config. Use with caution.
  -s, --status          Prints the status of the queue
  -p, --pause SECONDS   Pause queues for a number of seconds. A value of 0
                        will unpause. If -m is passed, pause that queue,
                        otherwise pause all queues.