Site and Client Configuration

Teuthology requires several configuration options to be set, and provides many other optional ones. They are looked for in ~/.teuthology.yaml if it exists, or /etc/teuthology.yaml if it doesn’t.

Here is a sample configuration with many of the options set and documented:

# lab_domain: the domain name to append to all short hostnames

# The root directory to use for storage of all scheduled job logs and
# other data.
archive_base: /home/teuthworker/archive

# The default machine_type value to use when not specified. Currently
# only used by teuthology-suite.
default_machine_type: awesomebox

# Control how many machines need to be free in the cluster. 0 means
# Teuthology can use the entire cluster.
reserve_machines: 5

# The machine types currently in active use; currently only used by
# teuthology-exporter
active_machine_types: ['smithi']

# The host and port to use for the beanstalkd queue. This is required
# for scheduled jobs.
queue_host: localhost
queue_port: 11300

# The URL of the lock server (paddles). This is required for scheduled
# jobs.

# The URL of the results server (paddles).

# This URL of the results UI server (pulpito). You must of course use
# paddles for pulpito to be useful.

# Email address that will receive job results summaries.

# Email address that job results summaries originate from

# How long (in seconds) teuthology-results should wait for jobs to finish
# before considering them 'hung'
results_timeout: 43200

# Gitbuilder archive that stores e.g. ceph packages

# URL for 'gitserver' helper web application
# see

# Verify the packages signatures
check_package_signatures: true

# Where all git repos are considered to reside.

# Where the ceph git repo is considered to reside.

# Where the ceph-qa-suite git repo is considered to reside.

# Where teuthology and ceph-qa-suite repos should be stored locally
src_base_path: /home/foo/src

# Where teuthology path is located: do not clone if present
#teuthology_path: .

# Whether or not teuthology-suite, when scheduling, should update
# itself from git. This is disabled by default.
automated_scheduling: false

# How often, in seconds, teuthology-supervisor should poll its child job
# processes
watchdog_interval: 120

# How old a scheduled job can be, in seconds, before the dispatcher
# considers it 'expired', skipping it.
max_job_age: 1209600

# How long a scheduled job should be allowed to run, in seconds, before
# it is killed by the supervisor process.
max_job_time: 259200

# The template from which the URL of the repository containing packages
# is built.
# {host} is 'gitbuilder_host' from .teuthology.yaml
# {proj} is the value of 'project' from the job yaml file or 'ceph'
# {flavor} is the value of 'flavor' from the job yaml file or 'default'
# {uri} is ref/tag if 'tag' is set in the job yaml file
#       or ref/branch if 'branch' is set in the job yaml file
#       or sha1/sha1 if 'sha1' is set in the job yaml file
#       or ref/main
# {pkg_type} is either 'deb' or 'rpm' depending on the host on which the
#            packages are to be installed
# {dist} If lsb_release -si is Fedora the value is:
#          Fedora 20 => fc20
#          Fedora 21 => fc21
#          etc.
#        If lsb_release -si is CentOS or RedHatEnterpriseServer it is
#          CentOS 6.5 => centos6
#          CentOS 7.0 => centos7
#          CentOS 7.1 => centos7
#          RedHatEnterpriseServer 6.4 => centos6
#          RedHatEnterpriseServer 7.0 => centos7
#          RedHatEnterpriseServer 7.1 => centos7
#          etc.
#       Everything else is whatever lsb_release -sc returns
#          Ubuntu 12.04 => precise
#          Ubuntu 14.04 => trusty
#          Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 => wheezy
#          Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 => jessie
#          etc.
# {arch} is the output of the 'arch' command on the host on which
#        the packages are to be installed
#           i386
#           x86_64
#           armv7l
#           etc.
baseurl_template: http://{host}/{proj}-{pkg_type}-{dist}-{arch}-{flavor}/{uri}

# If True, teuthology-suite verifies that a package matching the
# desired ceph branch exists in the gitbuilder. If False, no
# verification is done and teuthology-suite assumes the packages
# are either not necessary to run the task or they are created on
# demand.
suite_verify_ceph_hash: True

# If true, teuthology-suite will schedule jobs even if the required
# packages are not built.
suite_allow_missing_packages: False

# The rsync destination to upload the job results, when --upload is
# is provided to teuthology-suite.

# The path to the SSH private key for rsync to upload to archive_upload
archive_upload_key: None

# The public facing URL of the archive_upload location

# The OpenStack backend configuration, a dictionary interpreted as follows

  # The teuthology-openstack command will clone teuthology with
  # this command for the purpose of deploying teuthology from
  # scratch and run workers listening on the openstack tube
  clone: git clone

  # The path to the user-data file used when creating a target. It can have
  # the {os_type} and {os_version} placeholders which are replaced with
  # the value of --os-type and --os-version. No instance of a give {os_type}
  # and {os_version} combination can be created unless such a file exists.
  user-data: teuthology/openstack/openstack-{os_type}-{os_version}-user-data.txt

  # The IP number of the instance running the teuthology cluster. It will
  # be used to build user facing URLs and should usually be the floating IP
  # associated with the instance running the pulpito server.

  # OpenStack has predefined machine sizes (called flavors)
  # For a given job requiring N machines, the following example select
  # the smallest flavor that satisfies these requirements. For instance
  # If there are three flavors
  #   F1 (10GB disk, 2000MB RAM, 1CPU)
  #   F2 (100GB disk, 7000MB RAM, 1CPU)
  #   F3 (50GB disk, 7000MB RAM, 1CPU)
  # and machine: { disk: 40, ram: 7000, cpus: 1 }, F3 will be chosen.
  # F1 does not have enough RAM (2000 instead of the 7000 minimum) and
  # although F2 satisfies all the requirements, it is larger than F3
  # (100GB instead of 50GB) and presumably more expensive.
  # This configuration applies to all instances created for teuthology jobs
  # that do not redefine these values.

    # The minimum root disk size of the flavor, in GB
    disk: 20 # GB

    # The minimum RAM size of the flavor, in MB
    ram: 8000 # MB

    # The minimum number of vCPUS of the flavor
    cpus: 1

  # The volumes attached to each instance. In the following example,
  # three volumes of 10 GB will be created for each instance and
  # will show as /dev/vdb, /dev/vdc and /dev/vdd
  # This configuration applies to all instances created for teuthology jobs
  # that do not redefine these values.

    # The number of volumes
    count: 3

    # The size of each volume, in GB
    size: 10 # GB

# The host running a [PCP]( manager

# Settings for
use_conserver: true
conserver_port: 3109

# Optionally use a specific SSH private key to connect to test nodes.
# Takes precedence over any entries in ~/.ssh/config.
ssh_key: ~/.ssh/my_key.rsa

# Settings for [nsupdate-web](
# Used by the [libcloud]( backend

# Settings for
  api_token: your_api_token
  user_token: your_user_token
  machine_types: ['mira', 'smithi']

# FOG provisioner is default and switching to Pelgas
# should be made explicitly
  machine_types: ['type1', 'type2', 'type3']

# Do not allow more than that many jobs in a single run by default.
# To disable this check use 0.
job_threshold: 500