Hardware monitoring

node-proxy is the internal name to designate the running agent which inventories a machine’s hardware, provides the different statuses and enable the operator to perform some actions. It gathers details from the RedFish API, processes and pushes data to agent endpoint in the Ceph manager daemon.

digraph G { node [shape=record]; mgr [label="{<mgr> ceph manager}"]; dashboard [label="<dashboard> ceph dashboard"]; agent [label="<agent> agent"]; redfish [label="<redfish> redfish"]; agent -> redfish [label=" 1." color=green]; agent -> mgr [label=" 2." color=orange]; dashboard:dashboard -> mgr [label=" 3."color=lightgreen]; node [shape=plaintext]; legend [label=<<table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td bgcolor="lightgrey">Legend</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">1. Collects data from redfish API</td></tr> <tr><td align="left">2. Pushes data to ceph mgr</td></tr> <tr><td align="left">3. Query ceph mgr</td></tr> </table>>]; }


For the time being, the node-proxy agent relies on the RedFish API. It implies both node-proxy agent and ceph-mgr daemon need to be able to access the Out-Of-Band network to work.

Deploying the agent

The first step is to provide the out of band management tool credentials.
This can be done when adding the host with a service spec file:
# cat host.yml
service_type: host
hostname: node-10
  username: admin
  password: p@ssword

Apply the spec:

# ceph orch apply -i host.yml
Added host 'node-10' with addr ''

Deploy the agent:

# ceph config set mgr mgr/cephadm/hw_monitoring true


orch hardware status [hostname] [--category CATEGORY] [--format plain | json]

supported categories are:

  • summary (default)

  • memory

  • storage

  • processors

  • network

  • power

  • fans

  • firmwares

  • criticals


hardware health statuses summary

# ceph orch hardware status
|   node-10  |    ok   |  ok |  ok |   ok   |   ok  |  ok  |

storage devices report

# ceph orch hardware status IBM-Ceph-1 --category storage
|    HOST    |                          NAME                          |      MODEL       |      SIZE      | PROTOCOL |       SN       | STATUS |  STATE  |
|   node-10  | Disk 8 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT99QLL    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 10 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2 | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT98ZYX    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 11 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2 | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT98ZWB    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 9 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT98ZC9    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 3 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT9903Y    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 1 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT9901E    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 7 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT98ZQJ    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 2 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT99PA2    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 4 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT99PFG    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 0 in Backplane 0 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | MZ7L33T8HBNAAD3  | 3840755981824  |   SATA   | S6M5NE0T800539 |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 1 in Backplane 0 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | MZ7L33T8HBNAAD3  | 3840755981824  |   SATA   | S6M5NE0T800554 |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 6 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT98ZER    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 0 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT98ZEJ    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  | Disk 5 in Backplane 1 of Storage Controller in Slot 2  | ST20000NM008D-3D | 20000588955136 |   SATA   |    ZVT99QMH    |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  |           Disk 0 on AHCI Controller in SL 6            |  MTFDDAV240TDU   |  240057409536  |   SATA   |  22373BB1E0F8  |   OK   | Enabled |
|   node-10  |           Disk 1 on AHCI Controller in SL 6            |  MTFDDAV240TDU   |  240057409536  |   SATA   |  22373BB1E0D5  |   OK   | Enabled |

firmwares details

# ceph orch hardware status node-10 --category firmwares
|    HOST    |                                 COMPONENT                                  |                             NAME                             |         DATE         |   VERSION   | STATUS |
|   node-10  |               current-107649-7.03__raid.backplane.firmware.0               |                         Backplane 0                          | 2022-12-05T00:00:00Z |     7.03    |   OK   |

... omitted output ...

|   node-10  |               previous-25227-                |             Integrated Remote Access Controller              |      00:00:00Z       | |   OK   |

hardware critical warnings report

# ceph orch hardware status --category criticals
|    HOST    | COMPONENT |    NAME    |  STATUS  |      STATE      |
|   node-10  |   power   | PS2 Status | critical |    unplugged    |


class cephadm.agent.NodeProxyEndpoint(mgr)

Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.


Create a new Mock object. Mock takes several optional arguments that specify the behaviour of the Mock object:

  • spec: This can be either a list of strings or an existing object (a class or instance) that acts as the specification for the mock object. If you pass in an object then a list of strings is formed by calling dir on the object (excluding unsupported magic attributes and methods). Accessing any attribute not in this list will raise an AttributeError.

    If spec is an object (rather than a list of strings) then mock.__class__ returns the class of the spec object. This allows mocks to pass isinstance tests.

  • spec_set: A stricter variant of spec. If used, attempting to set or get an attribute on the mock that isn’t on the object passed as spec_set will raise an AttributeError.

  • side_effect: A function to be called whenever the Mock is called. See the side_effect attribute. Useful for raising exceptions or dynamically changing return values. The function is called with the same arguments as the mock, and unless it returns DEFAULT, the return value of this function is used as the return value.

    If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable. If any of the members of the iterable are exceptions they will be raised instead of returned.

  • return_value: The value returned when the mock is called. By default this is a new Mock (created on first access). See the return_value attribute.

  • wraps: Item for the mock object to wrap. If wraps is not None then calling the Mock will pass the call through to the wrapped object (returning the real result). Attribute access on the mock will return a Mock object that wraps the corresponding attribute of the wrapped object (so attempting to access an attribute that doesn’t exist will raise an AttributeError).

    If the mock has an explicit return_value set then calls are not passed to the wrapped object and the return_value is returned instead.

  • name: If the mock has a name then it will be used in the repr of the mock. This can be useful for debugging. The name is propagated to child mocks.

Mocks can also be called with arbitrary keyword arguments. These will be used to set attributes on the mock after it is created.

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