Operating a Cluster

Running Ceph with systemd

For all distributions that support systemd (CentOS 7, Fedora, Debian Jessie 8 and later, SUSE), ceph daemons are now managed using native systemd files instead of the legacy sysvinit scripts. For example:

sudo systemctl start ceph.target       # start all daemons
sudo systemctl status ceph-osd@12      # check status of osd.12

To list the Ceph systemd units on a node, execute:

sudo systemctl status ceph\*.service ceph\*.target

Starting all Daemons

To start all daemons on a Ceph Node (irrespective of type), execute the following:

sudo systemctl start ceph.target

Stopping all Daemons

To stop all daemons on a Ceph Node (irrespective of type), execute the following:

sudo systemctl stop ceph\*.service ceph\*.target

Starting all Daemons by Type

To start all daemons of a particular type on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo systemctl start ceph-osd.target
sudo systemctl start ceph-mon.target
sudo systemctl start ceph-mds.target

Stopping all Daemons by Type

To stop all daemons of a particular type on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo systemctl stop ceph-mon\*.service ceph-mon.target
sudo systemctl stop ceph-osd\*.service ceph-osd.target
sudo systemctl stop ceph-mds\*.service ceph-mds.target

Starting a Daemon

To start a specific daemon instance on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo systemctl start ceph-osd@{id}
sudo systemctl start ceph-mon@{hostname}
sudo systemctl start ceph-mds@{hostname}

For example:

sudo systemctl start ceph-osd@1
sudo systemctl start ceph-mon@ceph-server
sudo systemctl start ceph-mds@ceph-server

Stopping a Daemon

To stop a specific daemon instance on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo systemctl stop ceph-osd@{id}
sudo systemctl stop ceph-mon@{hostname}
sudo systemctl stop ceph-mds@{hostname}

For example:

sudo systemctl stop ceph-osd@1
sudo systemctl stop ceph-mon@ceph-server
sudo systemctl stop ceph-mds@ceph-server

Running Ceph with Upstart

When deploying Ceph with ceph-deploy on Ubuntu Trusty, you may start and stop Ceph daemons on a Ceph Node using the event-based Upstart. Upstart does not require you to define daemon instances in the Ceph configuration file.

To list the Ceph Upstart jobs and instances on a node, execute:

sudo initctl list | grep ceph

See initctl for additional details.

Starting all Daemons

To start all daemons on a Ceph Node (irrespective of type), execute the following:

sudo start ceph-all

Stopping all Daemons

To stop all daemons on a Ceph Node (irrespective of type), execute the following:

sudo stop ceph-all

Starting all Daemons by Type

To start all daemons of a particular type on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo start ceph-osd-all
sudo start ceph-mon-all
sudo start ceph-mds-all

Stopping all Daemons by Type

To stop all daemons of a particular type on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo stop ceph-osd-all
sudo stop ceph-mon-all
sudo stop ceph-mds-all

Starting a Daemon

To start a specific daemon instance on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo start ceph-osd id={id}
sudo start ceph-mon id={hostname}
sudo start ceph-mds id={hostname}

For example:

sudo start ceph-osd id=1
sudo start ceph-mon id=ceph-server
sudo start ceph-mds id=ceph-server

Stopping a Daemon

To stop a specific daemon instance on a Ceph Node, execute one of the following:

sudo stop ceph-osd id={id}
sudo stop ceph-mon id={hostname}
sudo stop ceph-mds id={hostname}

For example:

sudo stop ceph-osd id=1
sudo start ceph-mon id=ceph-server
sudo start ceph-mds id=ceph-server

Running Ceph

Each time you to start, restart, and stop Ceph daemons (or your entire cluster) you must specify at least one option and one command. You may also specify a daemon type or a daemon instance.

{commandline} [options] [commands] [daemons]

The ceph options include:






Use verbose logging.



(Dev and QA only) Use Valgrind debugging.



Execute on all nodes in ceph.conf. Otherwise, it only executes on localhost.



Automatically restart daemon if it core dumps.



Don’t restart a daemon if it core dumps.



Use an alternate configuration file.

The ceph commands include:




Start the daemon(s).


Stop the daemon(s).


Force the daemon(s) to stop. Same as kill -9


Kill all daemons of a particular type.


Cleans out the log directory.


Cleans out everything in the log directory.

For subsystem operations, the ceph service can target specific daemon types by adding a particular daemon type for the [daemons] option. Daemon types include:

  • mon

  • osd

  • mds