Archive Sync Module
New in version Nautilus.
The Archive Sync module uses the RGW versioning feature of S3 objects to maintain an archive zone that captures successive versions of objects as they are updated in other zones. Archive zone objects can be removed only through gateways associated with the archive zone.
This enables a deployment where several non-versioned zones replicate their data and metadata through their zone gateways (mirror configuration) providing high availability to the end users, while the archive zone captures data and metadata updates.
Deploying an archive zone in a multizone configuration enables the flexibility of S3 object history in a single zone while saving the space that replicas of versioned S3 objects would consume in the rest of the zones.
Archive Sync Tier Type Configuration
How to Configure
See Multisite Configuration for multisite configuration instructions. The
archive sync module requires the creation of a new zone. The zone tier type needs
to be defined as archive
# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup={zone-group-name} \
--rgw-zone={zone-name} \