ceph-syn -- ceph synthetic workload generator
ceph-syn is a simple synthetic workload generator for the Ceph distributed file system. It uses the userspace client library to generate simple workloads against a currently running file system. The file system need not be mounted via ceph-fuse(8) or the kernel client.
One or more --syn
command arguments specify the particular
workload, as documented below.
- -d
Detach from console and daemonize after startup.
- -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
Use ceph.conf configuration file instead of the default
to determine monitor addresses during startup.
- -m monaddress[:port]
Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through
- --num_client num
Run num different clients, each in a separate thread.
- --syn workloadspec
Run the given workload. May be specified as many times as needed. Workloads will normally run sequentially.
Each workload should be preceded by --syn
on the command
line. This is not a complete list.
- mknap path snapname
Create a snapshot called snapname on path.
- rmsnap path snapname
Delete snapshot called snapname on path.
- rmfile path
Delete/unlink path.
- writefile sizeinmb blocksize
Create a file, named after our client id, that is sizeinmb MB by writing blocksize chunks.
- readfile sizeinmb blocksize
Read file, named after our client id, that is sizeinmb MB by writing blocksize chunks.
- rw sizeinmb blocksize
Write file, then read it back, as above.
- makedirs numsubdirs numfiles depth
Create a hierarchy of directories that is depth levels deep. Give each directory numsubdirs subdirectories and numfiles files.
- walk
Recursively walk the file system (like find).
ceph-syn is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at https://docs.ceph.com for more information.